mandag 28. mars 2022

Barne kort med motiv fra Art by Marlene

 En av oppgavene på treffet til Scrap4fun i Haugesund
for noen uker siden var å stemple og maskere motiv.

Her er min løsning med motiv fra Art by Marlene
Malt med Distress refill og vannpensel

Stamps from Art by Marlene, paint with watercolor
Norwegian paper, text and buttons from Papirdesign.

The children play outside when spring is here. 

Mønsterark, tekster og buttons fra Papirdesign
Tråd fra Creative-depot
Pynt Div blomster og dies fra Lawn Fawn

Dette kortet er lagt inn hos
Kreativ scrapping

Dragonfly Dreams- Made something to make you smile
Stamping Sensations March- Stamp something for spring
Sunday Stamps Moodboard Spring burst- use color green, yellow and pink

6 kommentarer:

  1. Such a playful image, Jorunn! Love your coloring, and the fun layout! Thanks so much for playing at Sunday Stamps!

  2. A lovely card. such a cute image.
    Thanks for sharing at Stamping Sensations. Avril

  3. A really fun and colourful card, lovely to see you at Stamping Sensations challenge, many thanks for joining in.

    B x

  4. Pretty cards, such a nicely colored image! Thanks so much for sharing at Stamping Sensations!

  5. A cute image that is sure to bring a smile to someone's face! Thanks for sharing with us at Sunday Stamps!

  6. Very nice card. Wish I could do those handstands!!Thank you for joining in the Dragonfly Dreams challenge.


Gutt med ugle

Dette motivet har jeg malt for lenge siden men ikke fått til å lage noe med det før her om dagen. Motiver er fra Bildmålarna , dessverre lag...